Thursday, June 23, 2011

movin' on up

Guys, I'm moving up in the world of bank tellers. Not really, but ever since I have been there the past three weeks, I have done nothing but training and have only been allowed to run deposits only.
I went to a special training last week to learn all the ins and outs of being a teller with our system, and then returned to my branch this week to continue running straight deposits.

Today, I had to take a test to determine whether or not I was "ready" to be a teller on my own with a cash drawer. Initially, my mentor wanted me to wait until tomorrow to take the test, and then get into a cash drawer either Monday or Tuesday. I received the test just before noon today, and decided to take it before I went on my lunch break.

I passed the test, and will be getting into a cash drawer tomorrow :)

I still like my job, but I definitely can't wait until August hits to have my own place. In the three weeks I've been an employee, I've spent almost $150 in gas! It might actually be more than that because if I paid with cash at some point, I have no record of that in my debit card transaction history. Now that's just damn ridiculous.

And I'm dating a boy. He's cute and cool, and he makes me laugh, and for some reason he doesn't mind putting up with my weird-ness. And I tricked politely asked him to go to a wedding with me and he actually agreed. And I'm pretty sure he may just be tricked into convinced to go with me to the Ke$ha concert in July :)
I guess he's a keeper ;-)

Other than work, I'm just trying to find as much time as possible to relax, and am reading books. I picked up a new book last weekend, Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie, per recommendation of my friend Sam...but I really don't know when I will be getting to it, just because I have about 15 books on my shelf to read...including the Pretty Little Liars series...which will probably be read next since they will be a little bit easier to finish.

I'm super excited for 4th of July. I know this means nothing to anyone but Americans, but it's for real one of my most favorite holidays of the year. It's a time for family, food, fireworks, and beer. and I love it.


  1. yayyyyyyyyy! so happy things are going quite well for you!

  2. I'm so happy things are going so well for you darlin!!! We definitely love the 4th for same reasons!

  3. COngrats dear,that guy sure is a keeper..see there are still good guys out there. I`m not American but Observe 4th of JULY ..i just love the way everybody goes GAGA.

  4. Such good news! So good to hear. :]

    Happy Friday, miss!

  5. Sounds like your life is pretty good right now, which is always a plus! I also work at a bank, and I know all about the cash drawer and how excited I was to have one of my own! New follower here, wishing you a Happy Friday! :)


  6. Congrats on your cash drawer!! ;)

  7. Congrats on passing your test! PLL is my guilty pleasure show so if you end up reading the books, please share your thoughts!


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